Jasna Veličković - Remote Me

REMOTE ME [2018]

REMOTE ME (2018) for two remote controls and three coils is composition focused on movement, proximity and reanimation. Aimed at things that are already there rather than creating new, REMOTE ME drugs us into the electromagnetic field-scape and transforms an inaudible remote control sounds into an audible foreground music. Composition is written for percussionist Marijn de Korff.

Photos by Sven Tupits, ISCM World Music Days 2019

REMOTE ME was born during the 'Composer's Treat' residency in Buitenwerkplaats Starnmeerdijk, program initiated and curated by composer Aspasia Nasopoulou.

Click here for the link of the video documentation. Video made by Patricia Werner Leanse.


20 May, 2018 Nieuwe Noten at De Ruimte, Amsterdam.
Performance by Marijn de Korff. (on video)

Following performances:
5 May, 2019 ISCM World Music Days at Estonian National Broadcasting Studi 1, Tallin
Performance by Theodore Parker. (on photos)