Jasna Veličković - Kiseonik

Kiseonik [2013]

Kiseonik was commissioned by the Gaudeamus Music Week and it had its premiere on 12 September 2012, when it was performed by the ECO ensemble (European Contemporary Orchestra) with conductor Raoul Lay. The new version which was especially adapted for the ensemble Studio 6 includes the improvisation elements characteristic of this ensemble. Kiseonik belongs to a series of pieces which explore specific sound situations based on resonance and sound deconstruction. The composition was financially supported by the Fund for Performing Arts (FPK).

STUDIO 6 - contemporary music collective - is a newly established organization, a collective of Serbian performing musicians, composers and music theorists, devoted to promotion of today’s music

trumpet-Nenad Marković
accordion-Vladimir Blagojević
harp-Milana Zarić
recorder-Karolina Bater
keyboard-Jasna Veličković

premiere February 24, 2013 SKC, Belgrade
duration 10'

Followed performances:
August 25, 2013 - RTS Serbia
November 11, 2013 - at the 22nd International Review of Composers, Serbia
November 16, 2013 - Stereorama
November 17, 2013 - Stereorama

concert recording Studio 6, 24 February 2013 at SKC, Belgrade